Thursday, December 26, 2019

Obesity Obesity And Obesity - 798 Words

Obesity Close to over one-third of adults living in the United States are obese (Diet and Obesity). Unfortunately, one third of children in the United States are also obese or overweight. Obesity has grown throughout the United States and has led to major health problem and can even be fatal. About 365,000 or more people die every year due to obesity. With numbers increasing obesity should be furthered examined to help prevent these conditions in Americans. The government should take more vigorous roles in fighting obesity to help lower child obesity, reduce health care cost, and improve eating habits in America. Child obesity has drastically risen in the Unites States due to all the advertisements promoting unhealthy food, portions given at fast food restaurants, and the lack of physical activity. Senator Bill Frist writes, â€Å"For the first time in our nation’s history, our children and grandchildren are on track to live shorter lives than their parents.† The continuation of bad dieting and exercise leads to a shorter lifespan comparison to a healthy individual causing the unhealthy population to die earlier than predicted. Childhood obesity can also lead to major health consequences such as type II diabetes, breathing problems known as apnea or asthma, and joint problems. These children cannot fully live a normal lifestyle such as running, playing, and interacting with other children. Simple activities likeShow MoreRelatedObesity : Obesity And Obesity986 Words   |  4 PagesObesity is one of the major health epidemics that human being struggle to deal with it. Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessively high body fat in relation to lean body mass. In the last 20 years, people started complaining that fast food is the main cause of rising obesity. However, a lot of research proves that fast food is not the source of obesity. The rising obesity problem cannot be blamed on the fast food industry; there are several other factors leads to obesity. OverRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1442 Words   |  6 Pages5/13/16 Take home Project: Obesity Obesity basically means having too much body fat. Not being overweight for your height, having too much muscle, or water in your body. What exactly is obesity? â€Å"Obesity is a condition that is associated with having an excess of body fat, defined by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control when dieting. Obesity is classified as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is a tool used to measure obesity. Obesity increases your risk ofRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1318 Words   |  6 PagesObesity Epidemic Due to Fast Food or Something More Obesity is rising at a rapid rate here in the United States, especially childhood obesity. The obesity epidemic is one of the country’s most serious health problems. Adult obesity rates have doubled since 1980 from 15 to 30 percent, while childhood obesity rates have more than tripled. Is there a link in obesity and fast food eating? Are fast food restaurants to blame for our nation’s obesity issues? Or are we ourselves and our lack of knowledgeRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesleads to health risks and obesity, people are still putting unhealthy food into their body daily.   The United States has the highest obesity rate in the world by 6% and the government should be helping to lower that percentage (   The best for the United States to help the obesity rate is by implementing a fat tax.   A fat tax is a tax on foods that are considered unhealthy and are believed to lead people to obesity.   The main way fat taxesRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1417 Words   |  6 Pagesconcerned. Doctors often use a formula based on height and weight, called body mass index (BMI), to determine obesity. Children with a BMI over 21 is considered obese and over 18 is overweight (Arnett, J.J.2016). Adults with a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese. Severe obesity, also known as severe obesity or morbid obesity, occurs when a BMI of 40 or more is present. With morbid obesity, there may be serious health problems. If children do not have enough activities, they will not be able to burnRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1413 Words   |  6 Pagescertificates, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death (6). The Centers for Disease Control refers to â€Å"twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity, because obesity greatly increases the risk of diabetes, and the number of Americans who are obese has been increasing rapidly† (9). A newly developed term, â€Å"diabesity,† is commonly used to represent the close relationship between obesity and diabetes (8). Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood and is defined when the pancreas fails to produce a healthy amountRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity892 Words   |  4 Pagesadults are considered obese in America. In recent years obesity is the health topic of choice these days because obesity in America is a growing epidemic. One out of twenty people in America have extreme obesity. According to a 2009-2010 survey conducted by the National Health and Nutrition examination this data states that about one third of children and adolescents ages six to nine are considered to be overweight or obese. Adolescent obesity has more than tripled in young adults and doubled in childrenRead MoreObesity : Obesity And The Obesity2209 Words   |  9 Pages OBESITY in America As the world is growing day by day the problem of obesity is also increasing all over the world. Since from1980 to 2014, the obesity has risen two times as compared to the previous years. The obesity is related to the how much energy is left, but the most important cause of having the obesity is â€Å"dysbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure† (Nazarii Kobyliak 1). The obesity is the excessive fat in the body and it can cause to any age group form child to the oldRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity985 Words   |  4 Pages Obesity is one of the major health epidemic that human being struggle to deal with it. Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessively high body fat in relation to lean body mass. In the last 20 years, people started complaining that fast food is the main cause of rising obesity. However, a lot of research proves that fast food is not the source of obesity. The rising obesity problem cannot be blamed on the fast food industry ; there are several other factors leads to obesity. Read MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States have the highest rate of people battling obesity, with childhood obesity on the rise. Just about one-third of adults in America are obese, and about 17% of children are obese. There are many health problems associated with obesity, which are preventable. America has state and local programs to prevent obesity, which Centers for Disease control and Prevention funds in all 50 states. Obesity is considered one of the highest killers since the 1980’s, with fast food shops on the rise

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Easter 1916, Wild Swans at Coole and Second Coming, by...

The timeless essence and the ambivalence in Yeats’ poems urge the reader’s response to relevant themes in society today. This enduring power of Yeats’ poetry, influenced by the Mystic and pagan influences is embedded within the textual integrity drawn from poetic techniques and structure when discussing relevant contextual concerns. â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†, â€Å"Easter 1916† and â€Å"The Second Coming† encapsulate the romanticism in his early poetry to civil influences and then a modernist approach in the later years. The three poems explore distinct transition of a poet while discussing ideas of history, love and politics. â€Å"WC†, written in romantic style, emphasises his inner turmoil through an array of poetic techniques entrenched within a†¦show more content†¦The techniques and systolic structure provides textual integrity by allowing relevance for a large contextual audience, with the themes transcending time and context. The contrast of the swans’ magnificence in their immortal portrayal to Yeats’ anguish in his â€Å"twilight years† of mental state establishes two aspects of human nature, developing a sense of ambiguity. â€Å"Easter 1916† portrays a stark contrast of Ireland before and after the Irish Uprising. Patriotism, with Mysticism in â€Å"wherever green is worn†, is evident through the vivid imagery portraying Ireland. Political idealism is a transition from personal concerns in WC to civil concerns of Ireland and serves as a medium to reflect on the morals that define contextual society, reinforcing the enduring power of his poetry. Romantic influences paint a calm and peaceful portrait of Ireland through a tranquil tone. The mood is pleasant in the â€Å"nod of the head† and â€Å"polite meaningless words† as the reader deduces a positive outlook on society. It explicitly contrasts the repetition of â€Å"a terrible beauty is born† when reflecting on the violence in Ireland, shaping a personal response influenced by his perception of a struggle diminishing the essence of a pleasant aforementioned society. The stone to the â€Å"troubled living streamâ⠂¬  emphasises Yeats’ support for the movement by placingShow MoreRelatedThe Wild Swans at Coole by W.B Yeats3540 Words   |  15 Pagesï » ¿The Wild Swans at Coole The Wild Swans at Coole by W.B Yeats is one of musicality as it is a direct expression of personal feelings, identified as the author’s. The lyrical poem includes three main subjects: setting, serving as a correlative to these feelings, Swans as the trigger, and the poet himself. Written in loosened iambic pentameter and consisting of five six-line stanzas rhymed ‘abcbdd’, the poem’s reflective and melancholic mood reflect the time of the poems first appearance. DuringRead MoreWho Goes with Fergus11452 Words   |  46 PagesWho Goes With Fergus This poem is about the dichotomy of the thinker and the actor. Yeats, in love with Maud Gonne, was the thinker, the courtly lover -- the one who would brood upon loves bitter mystery. Yeats was Mr. Nice Guy. Yet Yeats wanted to be the actor - the alpha male - the Fergus. Note the sexualized subtext that permeates the poem, who will pierce the deep woods woven shade? Who will drive with Fergus. Finally, we get the reasons to be the alpha male - the man of action, in the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mama Bear Case Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample

Strengths:1. Continuous growing of operations2. Turning figure of possible clients3. They have a batch of institutional spouses which are large and stable4. They have a affiliation with the most reputable and well-known companies in the Philippines5. Each of the spouses are hardworking and economical and has a positive attitude6. Has referrals from satisfied clients by word of oral cavity7. Advanced and quality child care services that meet parent’s demands Failings:1. Qualified employees leave the company after deriving experience and preparation 2. Employees left behind by resigned employees need to be teach once more 3. Criticized by public commentator/media due to non-giving of overtime wage and repast allowances to their employees rendering overtime 4. Doesn’t have every bit much bargaining power with clients and providers as a large participant do 5. Different point of view and conflicting sentiments of all spouses Opportunities:1. Opportunity to gain higher income if they will go on to spread out and add another market section 2. Opportunity to go a larger organisation and have greater dickering power with clients and providers as their other rivals have 3. Opportunity to foster feat and maximise their potencies 4. Opportunity to upgrade their engineering to be above par with their rivals which could give them a greater competitory advantage Menaces: 1. Incorrect determinations could hold a annihilating impact on them specially if their determination on their current concern state of affairs doesn’t work good for them as expected 2. Radio commentator/media might continually set them into a bad image if they wouldn’t resolve their issues on their employees 3. Menace of losing some of their clients because of the event that happened in the state which threatened the security of aliens and tourer consisting a big per centum of their clients 4. Menace of losing out to their rivals if it keeps itself asleep of important market informations relevant to their concern 5. Possible dissension between each spouses if they do non come up and hold on the particular and ideal solution that could hold a damaging consequence on their concern 6. Menace of holding a higher turnover of employees due to the current work status of their employees IV. Assumptions None V. Alternative Courses of Action Alternate Course 1:Take advantage of the current concern state of affairs by spread outing farther Alternate Course 2:Sell out their concern before their rivals outcompete them Alternate Course 3:Keep a position quo on their current concern state of affairs VI. Analysis Alternate Course 1: Take advantage of their current concern state of affairs by spread outing farther Advantages:1. Opportunity to gain higher net income due to holding a larger figure of possible clients 2. Opportunity to derive a higher bargaining power with clients and providers 3. Opportunity for more market chances and farther work the company’s possible 4. Each of the spouses have the chance to portion their advanced and originative thoughts that might greatly assist their concern Disadvantages:1. Higher capitalisation demand ( e. g. higher investing cost in capitalisation in engineering countries ) 2. Possibility of losing out to their rivals if they keep numb of important market informations relevant to concern 3. Might non work out good and bring forth higher net incomes as expected 4. Requires uninterrupted invention A ; research and developments costs to maintain up with the current concern tendencies particularly in the countries of engineering 5. Possibility of losing some of their clients as a effect of holding a higher engineering as a privilege in their concern enlargement which includes fiting latest crazes that the kids are playing ( parents might make up ones mind non to inscribe their childs because they would believe that more playday will go on inside the child care centre alternatively of analyzing ) Alternate Course 2: Sell out their concern before their rivals outcompete them Advantages: 1. Relieve the spouses from emphasis. concerns and tenseness with respects to the uncertainnesss and hazards built-in in their concern. Besides saves them theattempt required in pull offing their concern 2. Each of them will bask more clip for relaxation since their engagement in their concern is taking much of their clip Disadvantages:1. Losing chance to gain higher net income2. Significant decrease of income on each of the spouses 3. Losing the chance to turn and the possibility of operating on a larger scale 4. Numerous paperworks involved and things to carry through and complete as a consequence of selling out their concern 5. High cost associated with the effects of selling their business- settlement cost. distribution cost to spouses and colony of answerabilities with assorted providers 6. Losing chance of each spouses to turn and work their ain potency Alternate Course of Action 3: Keep a position quo on their current concern state of affairs Advantages:1. Lesser hazard of doing hazardous determinations2. Lesser emphasis and attempt to continually introduce particularly in countries of engineering 3. Lesser cost Disadvantages:1. Losing chance to turn and spread out and no chance to derive higher dickering power 2. Losing chance to gain higher income3. Becoming stagnant or being left buttocks and possibility of losing out to their rivals in the close hereafter VII. Decision Variables: clip. attempt. energy. resources Alternate Course 1: Expanding further Business enlargement will typically take more clip. energy. attempt and extra resources but even though it is hazardous and dearly-won. the wagess associated with it are besides much higher. The riskier the determinations. the higher the returns. Hazard is built-in in every concern and if we don’t have the bravery to make it. we wouldn’t be basking the wagess and benefits associated with it. Alternate Course 2: Sell out their concern Selling out their concern will salvage them the clip. attempt. energy and resources needed but they will lose the chance to turn and gain a higher net income. Even though it means stress free and hazards free. it besides means losing net incomes and a losing a batch of market chances. In concern. you should neer give up and keep a positive attitude and mentality to pull positive energy Alternate Course 3: Keep a position quo on their current concern state of affairs Keeping a position quo means lesser hazard. lesser energy and attempt. lesser resources and duty but so once more. you lose the chance to turn and gain higher net income. You become dead of relevant market informations needed to be successful in pull offing the concern which in the close hereafter can hold a negative impact on the company because they have no room for betterment. Change is changeless and every concern must continually endeavor to introduce to derive a competitory advantage. All in all. the Alternate Course of action to be adopted is Alternate Course No. 1 because you have to take advantage of the current concern state of affairs by spread outing farther and this might be riskier for them but the wagess and benefits associated with it could be more good to them in the long tally since they will hold a batch of market chances ensuing to deriving higher net incomes. VIII. Plan of Action 1. Raise adequate money for capitalisation demand by selling 40 % of their stock to a venture capitalist or to the public 2. Take advantage of their recognition line. borrow extra financess needed for enlargement 3. Use some of the financess to ship on the new engineering needed for enlargement and betterment of child care services 4. They could engage a fiscal adviser to maintain them updated of current concern tendencies and give them a good advice on where to put the other financess for profitable investings 5. Look for a venture capitalist who has a meaningful and relevant experience that can greatly lend originative and indispensable thoughts that is of great aid to the concern for farther success 6. Broaden outside contacts with your clients and providers. select dependable providers to fulfill clients. Establish good relationship with them by giving value added services to them. For illustration. you can offer dropping their childs to their houses for less fuss and added convenience for the parents who wouldn’t need to bring their childs from child care centre specially if they are coming home tardily from work 7. Adopting a selling scheme to keep and increase your current clients. Example. you can give price reduction to your long clip clients specially if they will inscribe all of their childs in your day care centre 8. Using qualified forces which are closely attached to the childs and has echt concern for the childs 9. Giving extra inducements and overtime wage and allowances for the employees rendering work overtime and demoing good public presentation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Maintaining A Healthy Relationship Essays - , Term Papers

Maintaining A Healthy Relationship Maintaining a Healthy Relationship For the past four months I have been in my most promising relationship, yet. But sometimes things go nuts and it feels like there is nothing I can do about it. So I thought I would check out what goes into a healthy relationship. I found a variety of qualities, but I'll keep it simple. Remember the 4 C's. You must be courageous, care enough, communicate effectively, and be creative. Once you get these down, your relationship will be deemed healthy, by the relationship gods. In an effort to overcome his fear of rejection, Jonathan Robinson (2001), a psychotherapist and frequent guest on Oprah, decided to plow right through his fear. He gave his friend $50 dollars and told him to keep it until he came back with ten rejections from girls. His first attempt proved fairly pathetic. His prospective date asked him if he needed an ambulance. Shaking and sweating, Jonathan proceeded to ask her and the next five girls out. With each rejection, he knew more of what to expect. Then he got a yes, followed by eight more. He realized the key to overcoming one's fear of rejection was to set it up so that getting rejected was seen as a success. If this sounds too scary or difficult, you're probably a good candidate for it (1). So the next time you're out, go for it. What have you got to lose, but a single, lonely life? Now you have a date, but how do you make it last? For starters you can continue being that courageous person you know you are. I Date (2001), a website featuring Shari, a columnist on love, contains all kinds of information on being a good mate. ?Men, you are heroes. Accept nothing less from a woman than being ?her hero. Another expert writes, ?Growth demands a temporary surrender of security? (1). When we become involved with someone we have to open our hearts to them, making us vulnerable. It takes an incredible amount of courage, but true love gives you real happiness in your life. I care about my girlfriend so much; I let us become friends for a while. She needed time to adjust to a big move and did not want the added stress of a boyfriend. I had to be understanding and supportive or I would lose her. As difficult as it was, I would do it all over again, if she asked me to. When your special someone's feeling down your attitude should never be, ?I'll come back when you are feeling better.? You should be the one to begin the healing process (Ten Ways to Keep Love Alive, 1993, p.114). I know it is hard, but if your mate will allow it you need to be as close as you can. Just being there will comfort them. How would you feel if your man or woman came by when you were in a bad mood, but they stayed with you the whole time? You would probably be thankful, a ?good mood? feeling. Whenever a couple gets in a spat, there is usually a breakdown in the communication process. This can take all forms. For instance you might misunderstand a word, a tone of voice, or even a gesture. The longer you are with someone, the easier it becomes to understand him or her. The mistakes will not be as frequent and you will be spending more time really talking. One article goes on to say, ?You should not be afraid to discuss matters that may create conflict. If feelings of anger or jealousy rise to the surface, maintain your cool and get them out into the open right away.? It is better to tell someone they upset you and talk about it, than to hold it in until you pop (Ten Ways to Keep Love Alive, 1993, p.114). You need to be able to consider the other person's circumstances too. Imagine your day. It went perfect and theirs did not. You have to be understanding and meet them on their level without being short yourself. You have to be their best friend. One of my co-workers told me about how her boyfriend left a trail of Hershey's