Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Easter 1916, Wild Swans at Coole and Second Coming, by...

The timeless essence and the ambivalence in Yeats’ poems urge the reader’s response to relevant themes in society today. This enduring power of Yeats’ poetry, influenced by the Mystic and pagan influences is embedded within the textual integrity drawn from poetic techniques and structure when discussing relevant contextual concerns. â€Å"Wild Swans at Coole†, â€Å"Easter 1916† and â€Å"The Second Coming† encapsulate the romanticism in his early poetry to civil influences and then a modernist approach in the later years. The three poems explore distinct transition of a poet while discussing ideas of history, love and politics. â€Å"WC†, written in romantic style, emphasises his inner turmoil through an array of poetic techniques entrenched within a†¦show more content†¦The techniques and systolic structure provides textual integrity by allowing relevance for a large contextual audience, with the themes transcending time and context. The contrast of the swans’ magnificence in their immortal portrayal to Yeats’ anguish in his â€Å"twilight years† of mental state establishes two aspects of human nature, developing a sense of ambiguity. â€Å"Easter 1916† portrays a stark contrast of Ireland before and after the Irish Uprising. Patriotism, with Mysticism in â€Å"wherever green is worn†, is evident through the vivid imagery portraying Ireland. Political idealism is a transition from personal concerns in WC to civil concerns of Ireland and serves as a medium to reflect on the morals that define contextual society, reinforcing the enduring power of his poetry. Romantic influences paint a calm and peaceful portrait of Ireland through a tranquil tone. The mood is pleasant in the â€Å"nod of the head† and â€Å"polite meaningless words† as the reader deduces a positive outlook on society. It explicitly contrasts the repetition of â€Å"a terrible beauty is born† when reflecting on the violence in Ireland, shaping a personal response influenced by his perception of a struggle diminishing the essence of a pleasant aforementioned society. The stone to the â€Å"troubled living streamâ⠂¬  emphasises Yeats’ support for the movement by placingShow MoreRelatedThe Wild Swans at Coole by W.B Yeats3540 Words   |  15 Pagesï » ¿The Wild Swans at Coole The Wild Swans at Coole by W.B Yeats is one of musicality as it is a direct expression of personal feelings, identified as the author’s. The lyrical poem includes three main subjects: setting, serving as a correlative to these feelings, Swans as the trigger, and the poet himself. Written in loosened iambic pentameter and consisting of five six-line stanzas rhymed ‘abcbdd’, the poem’s reflective and melancholic mood reflect the time of the poems first appearance. DuringRead MoreWho Goes with Fergus11452 Words   |  46 PagesWho Goes With Fergus This poem is about the dichotomy of the thinker and the actor. Yeats, in love with Maud Gonne, was the thinker, the courtly lover -- the one who would brood upon loves bitter mystery. Yeats was Mr. Nice Guy. Yet Yeats wanted to be the actor - the alpha male - the Fergus. Note the sexualized subtext that permeates the poem, who will pierce the deep woods woven shade? Who will drive with Fergus. Finally, we get the reasons to be the alpha male - the man of action, in the

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