Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fraud Early Warning Signs of Fraud Essay - 2462 Words

The early warning signs of fraud are, usually, always ignored. There are warning signs for every type of fraud out there. To understand the warning signs of fraud, we must first know what fraud is. Fraud is the intent to trick someone or lie to someone in order to receive financial gain. This definition varies depending of the type of fraud used, but the person committing the fraud is always looking for financial gain. There are many types of fraud out there. You have Medicare fraud, internet fraud, mortgage fraud, loan fraud, tax fraud, embezzlement, forgery, insurance fraud, and marriage fraud. These are only a few types of fraud. There are many more types of fraud out there and new types of fraud are being committed every day. This†¦show more content†¦Tax payers are putting money into Medicare throughout all of their working life and are expecting it to be there to help provide for the elderly who need it. The physician never pays taxes on any of the money that Medicare has sent him. Patients that see that physician may feel less secure and switch to other doctors if a fraud has occurred. One way this fraud is detected is when, â€Å"the unknowing physician gets a call from the Internal Revenue Service† (3). For the fraud to occur, all the thief needs is to obtain the physician’s ID or obtain a physician’s prescription pad. The physician’s ID, business address, and medical license can be obtained through hospital files. The prescription pad can be obtained at the physician’s office. Once the physician’s ID, business address, and medical license are stolen it can be sent to, â€Å"the state health department to obtain Medicaid provider numbers† (3). The thief will also change the address of the business. Patient information is also important to be able to bill Medicare or Medicaid. The reimbursement checks are sent to the new addresses and the thief forges the physician’s signature. The thief m ay use the prescription pad to prescribe unauthorized medicines. Sham clinics are also set up by thieves to write illegal prescriptions. A few warnings that a fraud is occurring is when you notice prescription pads are missing. If the InternalShow MoreRelated Fraud: Early Warning Signs of Fraud Essay2710 Words   |  11 PagesA Ponzi scheme is a type of fraud called investment fraud. It, â€Å"involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors† (6). Investors are usually promised a high return rate. The fraudsters attract new investors and pay back their old investors with the new investor’s money. Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi who created scheme by getting residents to invest in a postage stamp scheme. Bernie Madoff is a well known and not well liked PonziRead MoreA Brief Note On Fraud And Small Businesses1565 Words   |  7 PagesVictims - Fraud in Small Businesses, 2016). 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